Migmawel Consultation Office

Consultation Request Form

All fields with asterisks (*) are required fields. Upon clicking the “Submit” button at the bottom of the page, an email receipt will be automatically sent to the email address provided. Please contact ericaward@migmawel.org if you do not receive a receipt within 1 hour of submission.

This submission will not be processed if it is incomplete. Once you have submitted your form by clicking the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the page you may save a copy to your computer. Manually emailed copies of this form will not be accepted.

Part 1 – General Information

Please note that this date is only for reference. Our actual response time will be determined by the complexity of the consultation.
Part 2 – Applicant Information
Part 3 – Proponent Information

Spatial Footprint

Upload Spatial Files

Draw Footprint

Please attach a spatial data file that represents the footprint of the project area. Do not include other spatial areas like nearby rivers or roads in this file.

Submit spatial information in either KML/KMZ or shapefile format. If providing shapefiles, please zip (compress) contents into a single file, 'example projectxyzshape.zip'. Hold the ctrl key while selecting files to add more than one.
Supporting Documentation

Please attach a georeferenced overview map, an operational map, and any other documents, assessments, or supporting files.
Submit spatial information in either KML/KMZ or shapefile format. If providing shapefiles, please zip (compress) contents into a single file.

Add a supporting document

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